Download Send files to TV for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

As technology continues to advance, we are constantly looking for ways to make our lives easier and more streamlined. One such development is the ability to send files from our computers to our televisions. This feature has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people spend time streaming content and want to enjoy their favorite movies, TV shows, or music on a larger screen. With the advent of software such as Send files to TV, users can now easily transfer files from their PC to their TV with ease. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to download and use Send files to TV on your PC running Windows 11/10/8 or Mac.



1. Wireless file transfer
The application allows users to send files wirelessly to their smart TVs without the need for cables or physical storage devices. This makes it convenient and fast to transfer files from a computer to a TV.

2. Compatibility with popular TV brands
The app is compatible with various TV brands, including Samsung, LG, Sony, Toshiba, and more. This means that users can use the app to send files to a wide range of smart TVs.

3. Easy set-up process
Setting up the application is simple and straightforward. Users can download and install the app on their computer and follow the on-screen instructions to connect their TV to the app. The app also includes a help section to guide users through the set-up process.

4. Multiple file formats supported
The app supports various file formats, including video, audio, and image files. This allows users to send different types of files to their TV, such as home videos, photos, and music.

5. User-friendly interface
The app features a clean and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. Users can access all the main features of the app from the main screen, such as selecting files to send and choosing the TV they want to send them to.

6. High-quality streaming
The app enables users to stream high-quality videos and audio files without any lag or buffering. This ensures that the files are displayed on the TV in the best possible quality.

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7. Secure and reliable
The app is secure and reliable, with no risk of viruses or malware. It also maintains the privacy of the user’s data and files during the transfer process.

8. Multi-device support
The application is supported on multiple devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. This means users can transfer files from different devices to their TV easily.

Without Conclusion.

send files to tv for pc

Download Send files to TV for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

Step 1: First, you need to download an emulator that will allow you to run the Send files to TV app on your PC. We recommend using Bluestacks, which is one of the most popular emulators for Windows and Mac.

Step 2: Once Bluestacks is downloaded, install it on your PC and sign in to your Google account.

Step 3: Open the Google Play Store on Bluestacks and search for “Send files to TV.”

Step 4: Select the Send files to TV app and click on the install button.

Step 5: The installation will begin, and it may take a few minutes to complete.

Step 6: Once the app is installed, open it and select the files that you want to send to your TV.

Step 7: Make sure that your TV is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your PC.

Step 8: On your TV, open the Send files to TV app and select “Receive.”

Step 9: Your TV will generate a unique code that you need to enter into the Send files to TV app on your PC.

Step 10: Enter the code, and the files will start to transfer to your TV.

Step 11: Wait for the transfer to complete, and you can now enjoy your files on the big screen.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded and installed Send files to TV on your PC, and you can now easily transfer files to your TV without any hassle.


1. What is Send files to TV and how does it work?
– Send files to TV is an application that allows you to transfer your files from your PC or Mac to your Smart TV wirelessly. It works by establishing a connection between your device and your TV through Wi-Fi, enabling you to send and receive files seamlessly.

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2. What kind of files can be transferred using Send files to TV?
– Send files to TV supports various file formats, including photos, videos, music, and documents. You can transfer any file type regardless of the size, as long as it fits within the storage capacity of your TV.

3. How do I set up Send files to TV on my Windows 11/10/8 PC or Mac?
– To set up Send files to TV, you have to:

(a) Download and install the application on your PC or Mac
(b) Ensure that your TV and PC/Mac are connected to the same Wi-Fi network
(c) Launch the app on your computer and select the files you want to transfer
(d) Click the “Send” button, and the files will automatically appear on your TV screen.

4. Is Send files to TV secure to use?
– Yes, Send files to TV prioritizes user privacy and security. All your files are transmitted using a secure connection, and the app does not collect or store any personal data.

5. Can I use Send files to TV with any Smart TV?
– Send files to TV supports most Smart TVs that are compatible with the DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) protocol. However, it is advisable to check the compatibility of your TV with the app before downloading it to avoid any compatibility or technical issues.


In conclusion, Send files to TV is a great application that allows users to seamlessly share files from their PC to their TV. Available for Windows and Mac, this app lets you transfer various files such as photos, videos, music, and more with ease. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-follow instructions, anyone can enjoy the benefits of this app. Its compatibility with smart TVs from various brands makes it a versatile solution for file sharing. Moreover, it offers lightning-fast transfer speeds, ensuring that you can transmit large files quickly. Overall, if you’re looking for an efficient way to share files between your PC and TV, Send files to TV is definitely worth checking out.

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